When William the Conqueror became king of England, French took over as the language of the court, administration, and culture-and stayed there for300 years. 在征服者威廉统治了英格兰之后,法语席卷上流宫廷、行政管理和文化领域&之后300年如一日。
In the language of the Court's opinion, when is an agency's interpretation "unreasonable" or one that Congress has addressed "unambiguously"? 按照法院意见的用语,何时行政机关的解释“不合理”或哪一个是国会曾“明确”论及过的?
Looking to the language of the statute, the Supreme Court found it clear that an EIS is required only if there has been a report on a formal proposal for major federal action. 按照法令的语言表述,最高法院找到了确切的规定,即只有在某一重大联邦决定的正式提案提出之后,才要求一份“环境影响报告书”。
Norman French was the language of the aristocracy, including the King and his court. 诺曼法语是包括国王以及其朝臣们都讲的贵族语。
French be used In england together with latin as the language of the law court for some century after the conquest by king william I. 在被威廉一世征服后,法语和拉丁语都是英国法院所使用的语言,这种情况延续了几个世纪。
Existing laws protecting reporters 'confidential sources might or might not apply to a blogger, depending on the language of the statute or the court addressing the issue. 保护新闻记者的秘密消息来源的现行法律,既可适用于博客作者,也可以无法适用,具体取决于法规条文或受理法院。
Much of the language in the communiqu é seemed aimed at boosting the credibility of the court system, which legal experts say is riddled with corruption, incompetence and malpractice, making it one of the least trusted institutions in the country. 公报的很大篇幅似乎意在提高法院系统的公信力;法律专家们表示,中国的法院充斥着腐败、无能和渎职行为,是国内最不受信任的机构之一。
Shui Jing Zhu by LI Dao-yuan in North Wei Dynasty is an important work representing language features of Northern China in the South and North Dynasties. Then it analyse Li Dao Yuan belongs to which part in the political struggle of Bei Wei court. 北魏郦道元的《水经注》是南北朝时期代表北方语言特色的重要文献。然后,通过《魏书》、《北史》等相关记载,分析郦道元在北魏政治斗争中所属的政治派别。
The legal language represents the society and culture it belongs to, so different social patterns and cultures respectively preserve unique features of the metaphorical expressions in court language. 由于法律语言反映其所属的社会和文化,不同的社会模式和文化是法庭语言中隐喻概念呈现独特特点的根源。
In implied right of appeal, because its language is vague, investors filed pursuant to the rules of proceedings, including the causal relationship and a number of specific requirements to be determined by the court. Presumption to trust and fraud market theory were well spent. 而在默示诉权下,由于其语言比较模糊,投资者依据该规则提起诉讼时,包括因果关系在内的诸多具体要求由法院加以确定,从而信赖推定原则和欺诈市场理论得充分运用。